Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Antibiotic Insurance Policy

Marketplace had a brief report yesterday on the FDA's new rules about giving food-producing animals antibiotics.  Read the article here or listen to it now.

This will cost the food industry, especially large cattle farms.  Likely, that cost will get passed on to us in the form of higher meat prices.  I wish Marketplace had gone into some more details about those costs and their extent.

BUT, it helps stave off the microbe apocalypse.  We make an investment now to change the way we handle raising animals for food, followed by a somewhat more expensive ongoing process, but those premiums are paying to reduce the likelihood that a superbug will kill us all.

Next step, stop asking your doctor for antibiotics every time you stub your toe.


  1. I have read much about the microbe apocalype. I think this is a good step in the right direction, the problem is that anti-bacterial ingredients are found in everything. It is almost impossible to purchase a hand soap that is not antibacterial. Also, the medical establishment is partly to blame. I think most doctors perscribe antibiotics just as a precaution, even if they are not necessary. Hopefully that changes going forward.

  2. or you could become a vegan, then sit back and cackle maniacally every time someone gets salmonella or mad cow disease or, I don't know, SARS or whatever from eating diseased meats. mwah ha ha!
